
Making the rules…

07August 2008

Making the rules…

I am a beta reader for a woman who writes paranormal/sci fi'ish fiction. Developing the rules of an alternate world is hard--especially when it involves technology(I am so not mechanically inclined) but it is so essential. Made another successful recipe for my cookbook yesterday and made a pretty chocolate cake today--hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. Now, I'm done baking and back to werewolves. Got a request for another full today! Coll

03August 2008

Good stuff…

I found this section from the blue board that i had never seen before Great interviews! Thought I'd tell all my blog readers or a um... reader, Jenn. Coll

31July 2008

To the post office…

Off to mail a few more queries and another request. I'm determined to work on WIP #1 for a couple of hours today. Yesterday, I worked on WIP #2 and had some successful parts and some questionable parts-- but that book is an entirely different bowl of wax. Sorry for the cliche'. What does that even mean-candle? Also, I received some chapters from one of my beta readers and worked on them a bit. Thinking positive today. Plus, my house is being cleaned by a new cleaning woman who is obsessive/compulsive about cleanliness. Should be interesting. Could be great fodder for my WIP #1-since one character has obsessive/compulsive traits. I know Jen Hubbard addressed this in her blog but I use lots of my observations--especially the weird behaviors in my book. Are writers obsessive people watchers? Coll

29July 2008

Are writers more prone to depression..

I should be happy. I have seven fulls out and only two passed. Yesterday, I had a request for a partial after only 20 minutes from my email. Yet, I still cry at night. Why? Because after seven years nothing has come to fruition? I can't imagine success? Maybe, it's just the nature of writers or maybe it's just me. What do you think? Coll

23July 2008

How would you feel?

Last night I was reading a book. The clock kept ticking away---and I kept reading. It was 2 am but I was almost finished--so I continued. When I  got to the end -- the big climax of the book---it said 'to find out what happens you must read the next book in the series'. How would you feel? Can't wait to get the next book? I felt cheated. Is this common in books that are written in a series? Something new? My feeling is that each book should be able to stand on its own. Any thoughts?

© Colleen Rowan Kosinski 2023