

01October 2008


I finished the most recent (I forget how many versions I've written) revision. I think it's good. Waiting for beta feedback. Almost all my beta readers are agented now and some are published (or about to be). I wonder if they still seek feedback from others or is it all in the agent's hands? Are they allowed to show their work to others? Another thing I noticed in my new rewrite--many of the changes were suggested by readers long ago but I dismissed them because "it wasn't the story I wanted to tell". Now that I've made these additions I think the story has vastly improved. coll

25September 2008

I’m so bad…

I've been ignoring my little blog. Today I'm in a good mood. Doing some cool revisions(adding a new character and storyline) to Soul Jar. Also, I received an email from Melissa Marr--I won second place in her art contest. Yay, I get to pick out a bunch of supplies! Which will really be helpful  because yesterday I got a huge oil painting commission.

25August 2008

I’m back…

Computer problems kept me away but even though the computer is still not in top form, I still get a few hours a day to write, research, and post. Tasks for today: Write another chapter  for WIP Status check on unanswered subs Read regularly visited blogs and comment if appropriate Work on illustrations for project 2 ...lowly household chores like make dinner, etc. Thankfully, cleaning lady is scheduled for tomorrow.

13August 2008


I tried to write without going back---plunging forward chapter after chapter. I couldn't do it. I went back to the beginning, nitpicked a bit and then decided my MC was boring, some characters too "bubblegum", and the story was fizzing out as I went along. Sat down and totally retooled my characters, made an outline (like I used to do)and ---in my opinion--it was the right choice. I cut mercilessly but now my excitement for the project is renewed. Coll

07August 2008

Making the rules…

I am a beta reader for a woman who writes paranormal/sci fi'ish fiction. Developing the rules of an alternate world is hard--especially when it involves technology(I am so not mechanically inclined) but it is so essential. Made another successful recipe for my cookbook yesterday and made a pretty chocolate cake today--hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. Now, I'm done baking and back to werewolves. Got a request for another full today! Coll

© Colleen Rowan Kosinski 2023